Racelogic VIPS for NCAP testing

The AstaZero proving ground is a specialized testing ground for autonomous vehicles and new vehicle technologies, located in Sweden and operated by the Swedish state-owned research institute (in partnership with Chalmers University of Technology). The Dry Zone, which was put into use on April 28, 2021, is the longest indoor autonomous driving test site in the world, with a length of 700 meters and a width of 40-60 meters.


As improvements in vehicle performance and safety become more subtle and difficult to discover, the requirements for testing become more stringent and complex. Vehicle and tire manufacturers are addressing this challenge with increasingly tighter control of the test environment, which often involves moving test management regimes to indoor environments. To address this challenge, AstaZero partnered with Racelogic to deploy 42 beacons within the 700-meter tunnel to cover all areas. The system is based on UWB technology and consists of a network of fixed beacons (Beacons) that communicate with a small receiver mounted on the roof of the vehicle, which is connected to an existing VBOX device. A standard VBOX IMU module is installed in the receiver, which further enhances the accuracy of the speed signal and also provides the attitude information of the vehicle. VBOX devices can be seamlessly switched between indoor and outdoor environments, allowing testing to continue in any test environment, allowing AstaZero to continue using their SR60 and GST test equipment indoors.


 Please see the video(Click“Video”for demonstratin:Video)。

 Layout for indoor beacons:



If you have testing needs based on indoor positioning, please contact us!